
Friday, 30 November 2012

Reader Recipe: White Stuff

When this recipe was sent to me from the Knox United Church cookbook from Qu'Appelle, Saskatchewan, I could only hang my head in shame. I’ve talked before about how cakers are pretty uninspired when it comes to naming their food. White Stuff, sadly, is about the laziest name I’ve come across  well, besides Pink Thing.

I’m glad the world isn’t run by cakers. Just imagine how adjectiveless everything would be. Nail polish would fall into two colour categories: red and not red. Movie ad headlines would scream “NOT BAD!” High-end restaurant menus would feature items like “Expensive Cow Pieces” and “Eggy Pudding with a Crust That’s Been Blow-Torched.”

That’s not to say White Stuff isn’t tasty. It most certainly is. Just do yourself a favour and call it anything but.

And that, my friends, officially brings "Stuff Made with Cereal" month to its sugary end! I’m off to the dentist now to get some new teeth.

2 cups Cheerios      
2 cups Crispix cereal
2 cups peanuts  
2 cups pretzels
2 cups melted white chocolate

Mix first four ingredients in a big bowl. Add melted chocolate. Stir lightly till coated.

PS: HOLY MORMON TABERNACLE CHOIR! My Caker Christmas extravaganza starts on Monday! I’m really pulling out all the stops. Trust me – this is going to make Hee Haw’s Christmas Special look really low budget. Stay tuned.

Source: Knox 2000, Knox United Church, Qu'Appelle, Saskatchewan


  1. I do not believe I have ever used "Mormon Tabernacle Choir!" as an expression of emotion (mild expletive?) before. An error I plan to rectify immediately and often. Hahahaha

    1. Imagine all the opportunities you can use this phrase during the holiday season: "Mormon Tabernacle Choir! Who used up all the spray snow?!?" or "If you kids don't clean up all this wrapping paper, I'm going to Mormon Tabernacle Choir your behinds!!!"

    2. That is so perfect you cannot imagine. I have two nine year olds. Future cakers? Heehee

  2. Not quite what I think of when I hear "white stuff" but it sounds good!

    In the church where I grew up, the most famous recipe was called "The Recipe." I still make this delicious concoction of crust, cream cheese, powdered sugar, pudding and, of course, Cool Whip. And, I call it "The Recipe."

    1. What a badge of honour! Just think of all the other Cool Whip recipes out there that don't get the same distinction.

  3. I particularly like the serving container. Who knew Cakers upcycled.

    1. I learned early in life to never think of Cool Whip as just dessert topping, but rather, dessert topping that comes with the added bonus of a free, reusable container.
