
Monday, 10 February 2014

Reader Recipe: Catherwood Muffins

We’re into the second week of Reader Recipe Month!

Today’s caker recipe comes from Kate, who got this "muffin" recipe from her math teacher, Miss Catherwood. It’s since become a family favourite. Kate’s sister even used the recipe for her wedding cake! (Beats the heck out of fruitcake, IMHO.)

Now that I think about it, I learned a lot from my teachers growing up. Important things, like sleeves are a great place to store Kleenexes. And music teachers can get very emotional in the days leading up to a Christmas concert. And smoking is okay, so long as you do it in the staffroom.

Another thing I learned: just because you call something a “muffin” don’t make it no muffin. Catherwood Muffins are cupcakes, folks. These have as much nutritional value as a mango-scented Yankee candle. However, they’re dangerously delicious. (I think the pudding and sour cream have something to do with that.) I have no other choice but to dismiss class and order you make them immediately. Consider it your Home Ec homework.

Thanks, Kate! Check out Kate's book blog.

Come back Friday for the next reader recipe. I finally win at JELL-O!

1 package (18oz) devil's food cake mix
1 package (3 3/4 oz) instant chocolate pudding mix
1 cup sour cream
1/2 cup vegetable oil
1/2 cup warm water
4 eggs, lightly beaten
1 1/2 cups chocolate chips

Pre-heat the oven to 350 degrees. Place the first 6 ingredients in a bowl and beat for 4 minutes. Fold in chocolate chips. Line a muffin tin with large baking papers and fill with batter. Bake in 350 degree oven for 20 minutes. (See note.) Try to wait until they are cool enough to handle safely before enjoying the gooey, chocolatey goodness!

Note: I left mine in for 25 minutes.

Source: Caker Kate via Caker Miss Catherwood


  1. I know Kate personally and anything she makes is delicious!!

    1. I have no doubt. I think Miss Catherwood would be proud. The caker torch has officially been passed.

  2. Way to go, Kate! I am going to have to try these!

  3. Ohh. These look d-e-a-d-l-y!! The Cake Mix-Pudding Combo is an irresistible classic. I have proof. I once won a contest for a coffee cake I made using a box of Duncan Hines Yellow cake mix with a box of Jello vanilla pudding added. Then it was doused in rum which may have helped, now that I think about it.

    1. Rum makes everything better. I like to dab a little behind my ears, as well. That's great that you won a contest for your cake! I can safely say that nothing I've ever made has ever won anything.

  4. Those look delicious! Who needs a food stylist when those turn out so pretty! Although they seem to have a lot of ingredients for a true caker recipe, I think the nutritional content definitely puts them in the "I heart-attack caker recipes!" category.

    1. I'm going to have to do up some trucker hats with "I heart-attack caker recipes!" written on them. It's the start of my new caker retail line.
