
Monday, 3 February 2014

Reader Recipe: Cherry Balls

Welcome to Reader Recipe Month! I’ll be posting your caker recipes every Monday and Friday throughout February. After all, what good is cholesterol if you can’t share it between friends?

It should come as a surprise to no one when I say that cakers love their balls. Cold, hot, cheesy, so long as it’s round, we’ll pop it into our mouths. (Which explains the high number of golf ball-related caker deaths every year.) A few weeks back, I was at a wedding when I met Caker Cooking reader, Debbie, who asked if I wanted her Cherry Balls recipe. I said, “I do.”

I had my heart set on red maraschino cherries, but couldn’t find any at No Frills. They only had green ones – and all the jars were dusty. Please, caker gods, if I ever get reincarnated, don’t send me back as a green maraschino cherry. I can’t imagine a lonelier fate.

Thanks for the recipe, Debbie. Knowing your delicious balls were waiting at home got me through the dark days.

Come back Friday for a reader recipe that takes you behind the candelabra.

Maraschino cherries and graham cracker crumbs
2 cups icing sugar
3/4 cup desiccated coconut (see note)
1/2 cup butter, softened

Mix all ingredients except cherries and graham cracker crumbs. Roll around cherry, then roll in graham cracker crumbs. Refrigerate until ready to eat.

Note: Debbie says, “I use sweetened shredded.”

Source: Caker Debbie


  1. There's something a little bit 'Kermit the Frog's eyeballs' about that picture.

    1. That's very observant of you. I kept looking at the picture, thinking, "What do these look like?"

  2. Those would make a great Easter treat for those who don't care for chicken eggs.

    1. They would. Maybe put a jelly bean in them instead of a cherry. Or a pastel painted pebble. Wait. Then you'd have to pay for everyone's dentist bills. On second thought...

  3. These look yummy. I think I'm going to have to try your balls, Brian.

    1. If I had a dime for every time someone's said that to me, well, I'd have a dime.

  4. Desiccated? That's an awful big word for a Caker recipe. I had to pull out the old Merriam Webster to look up the meaning. The 'lacking interest passion and energy' definition does fit most Cakers.

    1. Good on you for doing that research, Polly. Knowing me, I would've walked into the Bulk Barn and asked where they kept the desecrated coconut.

  5. i love the green! they look pretty good to me :)

    1. Somewhere, in a darker corner of a grocery store, on a shelf where no one looks, in a dusty glass jar, a green maraschino cherry just whispered, "Thank you."

  6. Can't wait for the upcoming Liberace recipe. Did I tell you that I got an honest-to-God real version of "Liberace Cooks" for Xmas? I still can't believe it.

    How can I submit a reader recipe to you?

    1. Now, hold on. Are you assuming it's a Liberace recipe because of the candelabra? Why, that could apply to many people. Like, oh, I don't know, uh....Okay, it's a Liberace recipe. And I want that cookbook! Email a recipe at cakercooking at gmail dot com.

  7. Sometimes I think you make up these recipes; that they simply can't be real. But while you are a creative man, I just don't think you could do it. Enjoying from afar....

    1. Trust me, Jude. I couldn't make half this stuff up. I give all the credit to people who had a can opener, five minutes and a vision.

  8. Green maraschinos!! You know they were really your only choice, right?

  9. At least you didn't use blue maraschinos.

    1. In my family, blue maraschinos were called blueberries.

  10. I think the green cherry looks fab. Maybe I'll make them for St Patrick's Day.

    1. Good idea! Might I suggest a new name? Leprechaun Balls.
