
Tuesday, 14 June 2011

Delicious Corn Bake

In my Caker FAQ section, I noted that one of the three defining characteristics of caker food is “ease.” Cakers don’t do complicated food. Our lives are complicated enough.

Take, for example, this Delicious Corn Bake. (I was itching to rename it “Caker Corn Bake,” but the purist in me needs to stay true to the original recipes.) Never before has “ease” been so well defined than in this medley of Cheez Whiz, macaroni and not one but two types of corn.

The best part? You don’t even have to cook the macaroni. The water from the undrained can of corn does all the work. Just because you’re not complicated doesn’t mean you're not clever.

1 can kernel corn, undrained
1 can creamed corn
1 cup uncooked macaroni
1 cup Cheez Whiz

Heat oven to 350°. Combine all ingredients. Mix well. Place into a two quart casserole dish. Cover and bake for about 45 minutes or until macaroni is done.

Comments? Questions? Recipe requests? Feel free to leave them.

Source: The Best of Enbridge


  1. LOVE IT! mmmmmmm. Creamy goodness! Now can you do on for the South Beach Diet?

  2. Sorry. Cakers don't do South Beach and we don't do diets.

  3. I'd eat it. I'm tempted to make it, actually...

  4. Give in to the temptation. You won't regret it. Well, not immediately. A few hours later, though, it could be a different story.

  5. We had this Saturday night with Yinzerella & Cleve, and it was delish. I was doubtful that the macaroni would cook properly, but it did.
    Might have to do this for Thanksgiving as well.

  6. Here is the result from our dinner:
    It was good!

  7. Yinzerella, I'm glad to see the Delicious Corn Bake has officially made its way south of the border! I've posted the direct link to Yinzerella's blog, Dinner is Served, above (just above the cookbook image). PS: if anyone knows how to do a direct link in the comments section, let me know cause I can't figure the damn thing out.
