
Monday, 11 June 2012

He Shoots! He Skors!

Clockwise: Christmas Crack, Skor Squares, Quick and Easy Skor Bars

Along the right hand column of this blog, you’ll see a list of Caker Cooking’s most popular posts. (Yes, the rock star status of Imperial Cheese Cookies is a complete mystery to me, as well.) But second in popularity are Quick and Easy Skor Bars, a delectable ditty I featured last June, using saltines, chocolate and a whole lotta butta.

Last month, I featured a tuna casserole recipe from a family friend. When Carmelle sent me that recipe, she also included a recipe for Skor Squares made with 65 Ritz crackers.

That got me thinking.

Then a Caker Cooking reader named Kittyn recently commented that she'd had Quick and Easy Skor Bars, only they were called "Christmas Crack" and were made with pretzels instead of saltines. 

That got me thinking again. 

Then I had to stop thinking because it hurt real bad.

After much soul-searching, I decided to do what any caker worth his sodium would do – make all three versions. Now, me + three batches of Skor Bars = guilt, tears and a marathon of The Facts of Life, so I brought everything to work and asked my colleagues to vote.

In the end, the chewy toffee decadence of Carmelle’s Skor Squares took the crown with saltines coming in at a close second. In a distant third, sadly, was Christmas Crack. (Although the people who voted for it were very passionate. They also seemed a little fidgety.) Sorry, Kittyn.

Not only is this Carmelle's second time on Caker Cooking, but this might be the shortest recipe I’ve ever featured – and in the world of caker cuisine, that’s quite the accomplishment. Congrats, Carmelle! Your prize, a Caker Candy Tree, is in the mail.

Do you have a different Skor bar recipe? God help me, but send it along to caker cooking at gmail dot com and I'll do my best to feature it. 

Skor Squares

Mix together approximately 65 crushed Ritz crackers (See Note 1), 1 can condensed milk and 1 package of Skor bits. (Keep ¼ cup for topping.)

Pour into a 8” x 8” square pan (see Note 2) and bake for 25 minutes at 325º.

Note 1: I wasn't sure if a regular-sized box had 65 crackers, so I bought a larger one. But I only used about 3/4 of it, so you could probably go with a regular-sized box.

Note 2: Line your pan with some parchment paper as my squares stuck.

Source: Caker Queen Carmelle

UPDATE: Check out fellow food blogger, Nacho Mama, for her spin on Skor Squares, appropriately renamed Nacho Mama's Caker Bars.  Lookin' good to me!


  1. Jinkies! That looks good. I'm gonna have to give it a try. Will let you know how bad it fucks the kids up.

    1. Tim, you don't have to worry about it fucking up the kids. Why, I grew up eating this kind of food and I turned out all right. Turned out all right. I turned out all turned. Out all right.

  2. Holy crap, that must be the perfect Caker recipe--three ingredients and two steps. I think I might have to try it, though those Quick & Easy Skor bars look more appealing.
    I wish I worked in your office. Or we had another Caker cook here. I'm tired of being the only one.

    1. You can't get any easier than three ingredients. Oh, wait. Yes, you can. You can order take-out.
      As far as you being the only caker in your office, I have a feeling you're not alone. It's just that someone needs to step forward and say, "Shame is not an ingredient in caker cooking." The question is, Veg-o-matic, will that someone be you?

    2. That someone WAS me.

      And I was met by a roomful of blank stares...

    3. Sigh. The caker life is a lonely life, my friend. May I suggest drowning your sorrows over some Creme de Menthe on the rocks and a hot crab dip? It usually works for me.

  3. I find it unnerving that because of the lighting your Skor bars look blue.

    1. I prefer to think of them as "sapphire-tinged."

  4. So why not make a batch with all three at once?

    1. You, Sean, are one of those extreme types. Dangerous and living on the edge. I like that.
      I guess you could try mixing Saltines and pretzels and crushed Ritz crackers together and then topping it off with Skor Bits and chocolate, but I have a feeling it might come out looking like dog poop. And something tells me that wouldn't go over well, even with cakers.

  5. OK, I *just* took this recipe out of the oven and I must admit, I'm kind of tearing up a little over this one. I had no idea my house could ever smell this good. The only reason I didn't eat all of the "raw" "batter" right out of the mixing bowl without ever cooking it was because my husband insisted on hanging out in the kitchen. Otherwise?

    1. Full confession, Margo: I ate my fair share of the raw batter, too. I'm glad these made your house smell good. Maybe we should contact the Febreze folks and suggest a new "Skor Square" scent. They could create a "Caker Line." the wheels are a' turnin' thinking of all the possible caker scents. Cheez Whiz...ground beef...salt...the list goes on and on.

  6. Sorry you didn't like the pretzel substitution. My male is all about the pretzels (and caramel) so he loves it. I will admit ALL versions of this are to damned sweet for me to eat more than a couple bites. I'd rather save my sugar overloads for kool whip/no bake peanut butter pie or oreo pie...Or both. (the kittyn? ALL about the pie :P )

    I'll come up with more ideas for ya though ^.~

    1. Kitty, I was hoping I'd hear from you. And thanks for being a good sport. As I said, the people who liked the Christmas Crack were passionate in their defense. And when it comes to chocolate, brown sugar and butter, there can be no losers. Have a Cool Whip kind o' weekend: cool, fluffy and creamy.
